Health Benefits of Banana Blossom

Health Benefits of Banana Blossom

The banana blossom or banana flower serves the health benefits which are as follows:

1. Curing the infection

It has ability to treat infection because it possesses ethanol flowers which helps to prevent the pathogenic bacterial growth. It can cure the wound as well. The extracts of banana flower helps to prevent the growth of malaria parasites.

2. Overcoming diabetes and anemia

The diabetic patients should consume banana blossom to reduces the level of blood sugar and raise the hemoglobin in the body as it is rich in fiber and iron which assists in red blood cell production. It works a great for diabetic patients.

3. Improves lactation

The breast milk supply is increased for the lactating mothers. It helps to cure the excessive bleeding, maintains healthy uterus, restrict constipation during pregnancy and promotes lactation. This is high in fiber which helps to eliminate pregnancy constipation.

4. Reduce Free Radical Activity

The free radicals lead to various problems. The antioxidant property is possessed in the banana flower. It also treats the health problems like cancer and premature aging. It should be included in health supplements in order to make the full use of antioxidant properties.

5. Menstrual problems and weight loss

It increases progesterone which helps to reduce the excessive bleeding. As it is rich in fiber and nutrients, it results in weight loss. It soothes the stomach as well. For weight loss, the banana blossom tea can be drink regularly.

6. Rich source of Vitamin and minerals

The banana flowers possess the Vitamin C, A, E, fiber and potassium which are the sources of healthy nutrient.

7. Boost Mood and Reduce Anxiety

It improves the mood and lessens anxiety due to the magnesium present in banana flowers. They serve as anti-depressants without side effects.

8. Anti-ageing power

It helps to encounter the free radicals and cure the health issues related to it such as cancer and early aging.

9. Healthy uterus

It helps to prevent from the uterus problems. The uterus problems are eliminated by drinking this decoction.

10. Gastrointestinal health

Banana flowers are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. A soluble fiber allows the food to pass easily through the digestive tract as it dissolves in water and forms a gel. Insoluble fiber assist the bulk to undigested products as it is not dissolved in water. Both of it boost the healthy digestion and absorption of food.

11. Cancer and Heart disease

Banana blossom are high source of tannins, acids, flavonoids and other antioxidants which helps to counteract free radicals and eliminates the oxidative damage which leads to cancer and heart disease. The banana flower can prevent these conditions.

12. Neural disorders

The free radicals may cause Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease which may be prevented by consuming banana blossom regularly.